Wednesday, March 11, 2020

March 11 2020

So update 

I'm still trying to be careful about what I say; because things could easily change at any moment.
About a week or 2 ago, I coughed up what appeared to be csf. Of course I found that very concerning. While researching & contacting every doctor I possibly could, I discovered high pressure (hp) often means there's a csf leak. Why I didn't have my brain scanned along with spine, I guess there had to be a legitimate reason.
What's very interesting is that in a time such as that, I am able to tell which doctors are the one's that are there no matter what; & then the one's that slowly step into the background.

So, I eventually was pointed in the direction of an ent surgeon. (If you're wondering why I didn't just go straight to the er, think about this virus. With a cranial csf leak, I'm at risk for meningitis that can go to my brain. So er's are the last place I need to be unless someone is there waiting to check me in)
Anyway, I saw him yesterday. I'm not sure what I think of him quite yet. He's got the surgeon's mind; where he can have a full conversation in front of you but never address you specifically (I'm not very fond of that).
He also has to see it to believe it. So my seemingly obvious symptoms are not enough; I have to catch the csf from my nose to be tested. He did scope my nose & throat & suctioned out what sounded like a ton of dried blood. He mentioned something strange he saw; which was enough for him to order an mri. so I guess I go from there?
Bonus! My bone density scan is clear!!

I'll check in later 😁❤

Feb 19 2020

I know it's been forever since I've added anything new. Honestly I've been waiting it out.  I feel like every time I update, something pops up directly after.

So I'm finally at a point where I feel comfortable enough to inform everyone on what's happening. Since the fiasco with my port & complications with home health, everything has been relatively smooth, at least for me. 
My port is there to supply iv lactated ringers (electrolytes) 3 times a week & push benadryl twice a day. Because of my condition, mast cell activation syndrome, I can develop a reaction to anything at any point. That being said, if I've used it forever, I generally only use that specific thing. But if it's something new in contact with my body for extended periods of time, I have to alternate to make sure I dont react. That was the battle with home health, getting special dressings & needles.
Some time at the end of November 2019, I started developing some strange symptoms. I was having terrible issues processing information and remembering information. I also had developed musical tinnitus (yes it's real). My NS (neurosurgeon) who had been so patient with me didn't feel like this needed to be looked into further. 
As more & more symptoms were popping up, I contacted a csf leak team (very important & seen by people worldwide) who was @ the same hospital as my NS, just for advice. I recieved a response the next day to have a ct myleogram scheduled. (I do believe my NS was hesitant about this bc of how much I struggled to recover from everything else).

During that waiting period, my mast cell began to get increasingly worse (again). The iv benadryl just didn't seem to help much anymore. I was getting the debilitating cramps. I was reacting to practically everything. That is when I learned about dermagraphic skin (also known as skin writing). I had always had that to some degree but this became severe fast. Basically any pressure, rubbing, or friction applied to any area of my body can develop flushing, rash, hives, swelling. It looks kinda like a sun burn at times. & because of my mast cell, it felt (still does) like a severe burn. I don't think people believed me; but when my nurse prepped skin as lightly as possible & a rash still appeared, she was shocked. I was also going back on my milkshakes & gummies diet because of the severe nausea. I also had an er trip for my first recognizable (to me) ana rebound. It was the heparin. So now I have epipens 👐
After tons of rejections, we finally found someone to treat me, but she is booked out 6months. My cardio stressed the urgency & it's now in April. 
Tuesday  18th was my appt with the csf doc. She seemed to really care about my situation. She could tell I was scared of the lumbar puncture (a myleogram is a ct where the radiologist inserts a very small needle into your spine to get the contrast in that precise location). But as I looked back every past year, I realized that's nothing compared to the super tight sutures, chest tube, etc. All done while awake (given pain meds but I was guessing the needle was smaller than my port needle). 
So I went through with it. 
She found high pressure & nothing wrong with the shunt. The high pressure has probably been around for a very long time and she theorizes it was causing all the major issues i was having not tethered cord. 🤦‍♀️ i am taking a med to support her theory & then if it works, I will be having my shunt adjusted. 

I will definitely explain more later. I've gotta do some research on my shunt brand & all of these other things. My pain is starting to kick in as well.
I also have a dexa scan in march to check for osteoporosis.
❤ love you all & appreciate your kindess! Please continue to pray

Monday, December 30, 2019

Dec 26 2019

Hey friends & family! 
so I've officially laid down the scissors. I was really hoping to get my cards made this year but for some reason the holidays ended up slowing me down rather than giving me that encouragement I needed. I was really hoping to get cards out to everyone to let you all know how much I appreciate your prayers, support, help, encouragement, etc. I definitely want you all know that it made a difference knowing there were people checking in on me & praying for me. 
However fight after fight after fight neverending can really weigh you down. Winters are tough in the first place, but throw in all new devices & symptoms I'm dealing with, as well as the endless battles with some medical group or another just to get the quality of care anyone deserves; all of energy has been refocused on the problems rather than the enjoyable part of the holidays.
I promise I'm ok; just super exhausted & over it all. 
Happy holidays everyone 😁🎄 thank you all so so much for your support! Even if you don't realize it, the smallest gesture can be the push someone needs to keep fighting (I had a lot of those sent my way throughout everything).
I will give a medical update later, after the holidays are over & I've hopefully resolved a few more things. 
Have a great new year ❤

Nov 27 2019

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! That's so kind ❤ I'm busy attempting my Christmas cards this year, so I'm not going to be around much.

Nov 14 2019

So I know I haven't been consistently updating (I've been dealing with a lot of medical housekeeping). I thought I'd fill everyone in on what's going on.

I was in limbo for a good while with home health agencies because no one wanted to make special accommodations due to my reactions. That meant I had a few weeks here and there without my infusions. 2 weeks ago, I finally got a company who was willing to take me & I found a way to get the special items I needed. 
Well jump to today. My weight is up; I've gained 40ish lbs. My doc now thinks I should take a break from the infusion. I'm still collecting fluid below my incision but at least it's not coming out of my skin & am getting significant pain in the area. I'm getting severe abdominal pain & have hives around my port site. Stopping the infusion may get rid of the hives associated with the infusions, but it will also bring back the hives I have everywhere else. So either way something loses. It will also make it difficult for me to eat again.
I have been trying weekly to get in with a specialist but I never receive a call back. I'm trying really hard to stay afloat. I'm blaming the sudden change in weather.

I do have a positive update to note: I've been approved for disability! I guess my crappy year in & out of hospitals helped them understand how serious my conditions are.

Hopefully everything is a bit easier now!
Today is mast cell awareness day.
Along with multiple other conditions, I am plagued with mast cell disease & mastocytosis enterocolitis. Mast cell is when there is an overabundance of histamines in your body which creates allergic reactions to triggers. These triggers can be random & appear @ any time, or they can be specific. Common triggers for mast cell patients are fragrances & smells that come from perfumes, laundry detergents & softeners, air fresheners, lotions, cleaning products, & toiletries. If a trigger is determined, i have to do all I can to avoid it. The reason is because of the reactions that I may have. Reactions can be as small & flushing, nausea, & hay fever type responses, and escalate to be as severe as anaphylaxis. Every time I'm exposed to something I react to, my reactions get worse. So I risk the chance of having a severe reaction with each exposure. This also happens with products I use & tolerate. I alternate between items so that I don't eventually develop a reaction to the very few list of things I don't react to. I also have mastocytosis enterocolitis, which is basically my entire gi system's response to things it cant tolerate. My gastroparesis, dumping syndrome, & pots are often triggered by my mast cell. 
So if you read through everything, you can understand why I am so particular about the things that I come in contact. Those of us with mast cell live in a constant state of fear, not knowing of what we've touched, inhaled, or eaten could send us to the er. 
Treatment for this is not as easy a you would think. People tolerate them in different ways. My mast cell is not as typical as others, so I've been through 4 specialists who were not able or didn't want to treat me. Me & my team of doctors are pleading with another one to take me in. 
Mast cell is the reason I take so many antihistamines & allergy related meds. Mast cell is the reason I have a port; for iv benadryl & fluids because it was triggered by the surgeries. Mast cell is the reason I'm covered in hives, blisters, & scabs. 
This condition is not one that is easy to bear but I'm doing my best taking it one day @ a time

Oct 18 2019

So small victory & definitely not the answer, but I was able to get my gastro doc to rx me port access @ a center. So I'm now able to infuse on my own for a week! Hopefully we will have things figured out by then 😉🤞

March 11 2020

So update  I'm still trying to be careful about what I say; because things could easily change at any moment. About a week or 2 ago, I c...