So update
I'm still trying to be careful about what I say; because things could easily change at any moment.
About a week or 2 ago, I coughed up what appeared to be csf. Of course I found that very concerning. While researching & contacting every doctor I possibly could, I discovered high pressure (hp) often means there's a csf leak. Why I didn't have my brain scanned along with spine, I guess there had to be a legitimate reason.
What's very interesting is that in a time such as that, I am able to tell which doctors are the one's that are there no matter what; & then the one's that slowly step into the background.
So, I eventually was pointed in the direction of an ent surgeon. (If you're wondering why I didn't just go straight to the er, think about this virus. With a cranial csf leak, I'm at risk for meningitis that can go to my brain. So er's are the last place I need to be unless someone is there waiting to check me in)
Anyway, I saw him yesterday. I'm not sure what I think of him quite yet. He's got the surgeon's mind; where he can have a full conversation in front of you but never address you specifically (I'm not very fond of that).
He also has to see it to believe it. So my seemingly obvious symptoms are not enough; I have to catch the csf from my nose to be tested. He did scope my nose & throat & suctioned out what sounded like a ton of dried blood. He mentioned something strange he saw; which was enough for him to order an mri. so I guess I go from there?
Bonus! My bone density scan is clear!!
I'll check in later 😁❤
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