Tuesday, June 18, 2019

June 2

Because I don't have any update quite yet, I want to say something. Many people in my life past & present, know that I have a severe phobia of needles. But most don't understand what triggered that phobia. Because of my EDS, I was never numbed properly before a procedure, still am not, so the anesthesia used such as lidocaine, would wear off in seconds compared to an bc average person that would get at least twice as long. During procedures I would scream I could feel it, & the doctors would think I was just being dramatic & keep moving forward.
I also have mast cell (mcas) at play during these situations. Whenever a foreign object enters my skin, my body sees it as an attack. So what should be a quick & easy numbing or iv where you say ouch, ends up being a traumatizing & severely painful experience. So my histamines over fire causing that severe pain.
This is just something to consider when people tell you about their pain. We all have things that may make our pain tolerance worse or better than the average person. Always ask before you jump to conclusions ❤

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March 11 2020

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