Friday, June 21, 2019

June 22

So I want to stop a sec & take note of a few things. Yes I am having a treacherous domino effect from a surgery that will likely be a difficult recovery. However, there have been so many people that have helped us along the way, showing us how amazing this world can be.

From my aunt coming to spend time & be my support while my parents work, when she definitely has other things she could be doing.

My father who goes out of his way each late night er trip that is way past his bedtime.

My mother taking time from work & vivi to sit with me in the hospital, when the drive is torture on her foot.

Our amazing neighbors, who have cut & weed whacked our lawn; sent fruit baskets & cookies; and are constantly checking in to see how I'm doing.

Then their are those who cant necessarily give of their time, but send cards & flowers to brighten my day.

I appreciate each & everyone of these acts of kindness & don't want anyone to think otherwise. I sometimes just get so overwhelmed with the current situation that I forget the little things.

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